

The most popular public transportation in Havana. Performs service taking passengers from any point on the route 23 (3 minutes far from the house) until Habana Vieja (Old Havana) for 10 Peso Cubano (0,40 CUC) per person.

New public Transportation, in Havana. Cooperatives, air-conditioned MINI BUSES , of 30 persons, performing the same route with TAXI COLECTIVO for 5 Peso Cubano (0,20 CUC) per person.

AUTOBUS (Guagua)

The most classic public transportation of the capital. The same route with TAXIS COLECTIVOS and RUTEROS with a ticket for 0,40 Peso Cubano (0,02 CUC) per person. There are 2 stops near the house on route 23.  It has the problem of every  public transportation. Not recommended if you are in a hurry.


The taxi you can get from any point, just for you, and can take you anywhere in the city for 5-10 CUC.